Author Interview: Danielle Rose!

Welcome guys to my first live author interview here on Book Vs Film! *Imagine balloons and what not, also here's some tiny virtual cake 🎂!

I'm so happy to introduce this piece to you guys and tell you that the interview you are about to devour with your gorgeous book lovin' eyes, is with fantasy/romance/suspense author Danielle Rose! Now, most of you will know Danielle's name either from her Blood Books trilogy; which contain some beautiful covers by the way, check them out:

Or her romance suspense duology consisting of Lies We Keep, out now for purchase and the finale Truth We Bear coming out 1st May 2018! 

I was super excited to get to interview Danielle because she has some great books out already and we are always promised more to come; so out of all the stories that make home in Danielle's brain, I had to ask which genre for her was more fun to write or which did one did she prefer to write? Here's what she said:

"I’m definitely not like most writers, because I don’t limit myself to genre. Honestly, it’s really difficult to choose my favorite genre to write. I love love stories, so romance is high on my list. Within the many subgenres of romance, contemporary, suspense, and paranormal are my favorites. However, I absolutely love urban fantasy. I’m a sucker for a fast-paced, fantastical plot."

Aside from the growing excitement for more to come in Danielle's romantic storytelling hand, fantasy lovers can freak out about the Shades Of Fae Boxset being released July 10th, with 23 stories in all different world's by different authors, including Danielle and other bestsellers. Furthermore, the story in which Danielle has written, is the first book in her next fantasy series The Reaper Chronicles. I asked Danielle if she could tell me about the boxset and releasing her first in a series book through that:

"I am SO excited to launch my Reaper Chronicles series this year. I’ve been playing around with the idea for this world for a while now, and after completing the Blood Books trilogy, my schedule finally opened up. As the title suggests, this is an urban fantasy series that consists of all standalone novels. However, there is a series arch, so I recommend they are read in order.

The series follows Reese, a reaper whose coveted ability to charter souls has made her an outcast. She lives in a world much like our own. Except in her world, supernatural creatures and realms exist. Humans are blissfully unaware of the existence of magic, and so, the magical community is forced to follow a set of rules to avoid exposure. Rogue supernaturals are hunted, and their souls are sent to a purgatory realm by reapers tasked to stop them. Remember when I said Reese was an outcast? I’m sure you can imagine how many favors her day job doesn’t grant her among the supernatural community…

In the first book, Of Fae and Fire, Reese is sent to stop a rogue fae." 

Danielle's impressive ability to bring out so many books and work on so many projects is inspiring to any writer who has one and a million ideas going around in their head, so I took the opportunity to ask Danielle for some advice and what helps her write.

BVF: Obviously you write a lot, do you have any writing rituals? Or must haves you need around you when you write?

"I’m a boring writer. When I write, I don’t need anything besides my laptop. If I’m easily distracted by my surroundings, then I need a good pair of noise-reducing headphones and my Amazon music account, which has a playlist specifically for writing. It’s full of instrumental-only music. I prefer piano or violin. Rarely will I listen to music with lyrics when I write."

BVF: What advice would you give to a new writer who is filled with ideas but struggles to put it to paper?

"If you’re having trouble crafting a novel, try outlining the book first. You don’t need to get fancy here: a basic outline, where you only briefly summarize each chapter, will suffice. In fact, that’s all I do. 😊 "

Great advice, I think, for a lot of us who struggle with that. Outlining, for me anyway, has definitely been much more noticeable as a wanna-be author's must have for their story. 

Book Vs Film, is of course a haven for both books AND film, here we have started a tradition when we do our interviews and Danielle was christened with first...err....questioning! 😎

BVF: (a) If you picked a film that is Shades of Fae, like a similar recommendation, what would it be?
         (b) What is YOUR favourite film?

"A.    I can only speak for my book, Of Fae and Fire, and not the set as a whole, but I would compare it to TV shows like Charmed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Angel, The Vampire Diaries, or The Originals.

B.    I am a HUGE movie buff, and sadly, I don’t have a favorite. I love so many movies; I could never pick just one. I am really drawn to movies about writers, and some of my favorites with that theme would be Misery, Secret Window, Young Adult, The Shining, and The Proposal. Okay, that last one was a stretch, but hey, he was a writer."

We here at Book Vs Film know your feels there Danielle, too many movies to love! 😵

I want to say a massive thank you to Danielle for doing this interview with us here; go follow her on twitter @DRoseAuthor to keep up to date will all her new releases and projects and go to to find out more about the new awesome boxset out mid 2018!


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