Everything, Everything Vs Well...Everything, Everything!

With coming release of Love, Simon, the adaptation of Becky Abertalli's great teen novel; Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda, I felt it necessary to talk about this next book and it's movie as Nick Robinson has graced us with his brilliant portrayal of teen romance males more than once now!

Everything, Everything was written by Nicola Yoon and was published in September 2015. This book definitely took the YA book lover community by storm and continues to turn up in many people's favourite book lists and the occasional book haul! Nicola Yoon also wrote The Sun is Also a Star, proving she wasn't a one trick author and many await to see what she'll do next.

The story follows Maddy, a young African American teen who suffers from a rare disease known as a Severe Combined Immunodeficiency or SCID as it's most referred to in the book; basically meaning that Maddy is allergic to everything and so she never leaves her house. The only people she sees are her Mother and her nurse Carla, her whole life is routine. UNTIL, yes, until a new family move in next door and teenage (heartthrob) Olly comes into her life, changing everything, teaching Maddy about friendship, love, adventure and the great space of the world outside.

This is a very sweet book, that is easily one of my top guilty pleasures and I am happy to say that the movie did the book justice. From character traits and hobbies, to the atmosphere of tension and romance, you could feel that this movie was tied to this book.

The film was released in 2017 and stars the earlier mentioned Nick Robinson as Olly and the beauty that is Amandla Stenberg as Maddy. Amandla is someone who easily cemented the potential and beginning of her career with her portrayal of Maddy and what makes her great is not just how she played Maddy but the relatability that Maddy has, not just in terms of her reactions and falling for Olly, but also having an illness. I was a little bit worried about Nick Robinson putting himself into a rut of type-cast, however, I think Nick has the capacity to not do that and it's pure coincidence that two great stories he picked close to each other are adaptations of two books by popular and current authors. Being Charlie, a film he did about being a drug addicted teen in and out of rehab, is what makes me feel this comfortable with that, he showed he can stretch out and play extremely personal and brutal roles and I think we've seen nothing yet *, with either of these main actors.

*And of course Jurassic World, I know. 

That being said, Nick's casting as Olly was spot on and wooed most members of every audience that saw this movie.

"His hair could save my life."

                                                              - Maddy. 

Like I said earlier this film got it basically spot on, with very minor differences;
  • The teacher of Maddy's online architecture class appears only in one deleted scene of the movie, which kind of counts?
  • Okay, so I realised that I am on and off with spoilers with these reviews, but for this one I'm going to try and make this point as vague as possible so if you guess it, it's your riddle solving skills fault and not so much mine 😐 The ending of the movie is very slightly different, not in a bad way, more of a complete closure way. In the book it's just as good but there's a sense of fantastic frustration with it, like smile but squeeze pillow frustration.
That is pretty much it for differences, I'll be honest, I have seen the film a lot, but only read the book once, so I may have missed like one point. However, I still decided to write this without a reread because it's relevant and still so loved by many of us and I wanted to rant about it, because if you look at my previous book confessions post, I don't usually. 😹

Now, who wins this fight you may ask, well I'll tell you! This book and film is perfect for fans of contemporary YA and a little teen romance with the sprinkle of family drama. It has some already done troupes with a little kiss of it's own on top and I am a huge fan of the idea of Maddy's one line book reviews; yes, a fellow book nerd within a book! However, for this one, the film tops it for me; that closure point I made, the way certain scenes are filmed as a rendition of text conversations and of course, shallowly I guess, Olly. There's a slight thickness with the movie, it feels like there's a bit more to grab onto, but that does not diminish the book!

Everything, Everything (Book)    Everything, Everything (Film)


The rating is out of 5 dizzy faces! 😵

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