February TBR!

Okay, so I recently tweeted about how I noticed everyone was uploading their TBR's for this month and how I should do mine and also realised it is still the beginning of February, so I do in fact have time to do it annnnnnnd abracadabra here is my TBR for this month!

The End of Oz by Danielle Paige:

The End of OZ is the final instalment in the Dorothy Must Die series, which I have loved for a very long time and have been stalling to read book #4 for as long as possible, but there's only so long you can wait to read how your favourite characters win (or lose 😕), however I've managed to go this long without reading Crooked Kingdom. This series takes place in OZ with familiar characters from The Wizard of OZ, but when our main character Amy is whisked away by the famous OZ teleporting tornado, it turns out that after Dorothy has been a resident of OZ for a while and after magic and power going to her beautiful head, OZ is now a place of bloodshed, politics and tattooed munchkins. Amy is thrust into the Order of the Wicked where she must lose all sense of whose good and whose evil to defeat the terrifying Dorothy.

Ubik by Philip K Dick:

Philip K Dick is one of my favourite authors of all time and easily my favourite Sci-Fi author and so as I make my way down the list of his work (so far including; Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch and Beyond Lies The Wub Vol. 1) Ubik is one of many I have recently gone out and purchased. Ubik is one of his renowned works that is loved purely and entirely for Dick's idea's and writing. The synopsis is a little confusing to summarise, having not read the book and not wanting to delve too deep into spoiler land; as far as I'm aware it's cryptic and involves psychics and those who can block them, there's travelling to the moon and a deceased wife kept half alive who communicates through her conscience. Safe to say this sounds thoroughly like Philip K Dick.

Zenith by Lindsay Cummings & Sasha Alsberg:

Now this is a book that has been uproar for about a year with Booktube's very own familiar gals bringing out the first in this Sci-Fi series about an all female crew of pirates! What else can I say? Probably not a lot and again, I don't want to go too deep because after all this time and since the final/well waited January release of the book, I have not yet been tainted!

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne:

Now, I have seen the film and I do remember the ending, but it was so long ago and I caught it in the last half, that there is a lot I don't remember and characters/character relationships I don't know anything about. From what I know of this book, it is set in World War 2 and a young boy has to move house after his fathers promotion from Hitler himself. The place they move to is near a Holocaust Camp where our main boy meets another his age, behind a wired fence. Sounds emotional already right? If I can pull myself through this very intense fable that seems like it'll be raw and real, definitely expect a tear stained report over here on BVF in days to come.


Taken from https://media.giphy.com/media/9dFvgd4ID6ne0/giphy.gif
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