Obligatory Valentines Recommendations!

Well Happy Valentine's Day everyone, I hope there is an extreme consumption of chocolate planned for you all today, single or otherwise!

Now, you can't just eat all that chocolate in silence, well I'm mean you could but...there are options....You could read a book, watch a movie? And since it is the day of looooooove, you know either has to be soppy right? It can be fantasy, badass and subtitled but, there should at least be a smooch....apparently.

I'm just gonna stop rambling and get to the point, below is a handful of books and films that I recommend for Valentines Day, and any other day really, but all stories rather include a love aspect or completely encompass it, so if you want a chick read or watch here are some suggestions!

Call Me By Your Name:
Okay, so I was obviously going to pick one of my favourite love stories of all time first, wasn't I?

CMBYN follows Elio and Oliver in a small town in Italy in the mid 80's, whose intense love for each other blossoms under the sun in the most relatable of ways; but Oliver is only staying for 6 weeks and some of those weeks have already gone by. 


The Fault in Our Stars:
I think this one kind of goes without saying but I still thought it necessary.

For those who don't know this story; it's tragic, beautiful and lifting and both the book and movie are great. Either way you're gonna cry till one of your organs falls out your eyes so it's up to you how you make that happen!


Everything, Everything:
Again, this is just another obvious one, especially for the YA community. 

I would suggest reading the book if you want a super quick and sweet read or watch the movie for similar reasons; it's not very long, it's very sweet, basically one has Olly and one has Nick Robinson playing Olly so, either or! 


I am recommending the movie because honestly I haven't read the book yet but it's on next months TBR so hopefully I can get to it and give you guys a review! However, I wanted to suggest this movie because even though it's not my usual go to of genre, I ended up loving it and I think I attribute a lot of my fandom of this movie to Emory Cohen's acting and the love story between him and Eilis played by the awesome Saoirse Ronan.

That aside the importance of her story of an Irish girl immigrating away from home and themes of family make this a beautiful, relatable and necessary movie.


The Infernal Devices:
The Infernal Devices a trilogy written by Cassandra Clare based in the famous Shadowhunter universe. This is my favourite series of Cassandra's and I will always recommend it. For one, it's based in Victorian London and two Will Herondale.

The love story or should I say triangle, is just one of a thousand problems for Tessa, Will and Jem; from demons and betrayal, love and addiction, magic and more. This series is always worth a read and the your heart will be broken and iratze-d back together again many times in this trilogy.


The Princess Bride:
This is one of my favourite movies/books/fairy tales/80's flicks of all time, but I am only suggesting the movie for this day of love because, it's one of those films that's perfect for laying on the sofa with a blanket and sugar and just smiling and crying out of the complete beautiful cheesiness of this movie.

Just go watch this movie.....this is the part where you say 'As you w...' ahhh never mind, but check it out!

The Immortal After Dark Series:
The Immortal After Dark series is by Kresley Cole; now I haven't finished this series because I started it a while back but it was totally a guilty pleasure. Be warned though it is DEFINITELY a book you shouldn't read on the bus or at least sit at the back when you do.

The books in these series are basically love stories that are extremely erotic; there are some great actions and quests in some of them but it all revolves around the love hate beginning, to the can't live without you end, with a whole bunch of hanky-panky in between. There's werewolves, vampires and more, so something for everyone!

The First Time:
This is a great and complete chick flick that I totally loved, with a strong female character, great sarcasm and humour and total sweetness; BUT it is the first chick flick I have found that talks about losing your virginity HONESTLY.

It's a great watch and gets you thinking, also keeps you a little on the edge of your seat with hope for the two main characters.

Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda:
This book is of course by Becky Albertalli and we also have the movie adaptation coming next month! So until then, if you haven't checked this book out, I will definitely say that you should!


La La Land:
Because everyone needs either a musical or a Ryan Gosling movie; with this you get both, need I say more?

The Princess Diarist:
I love this book, one of many by Carrie Fisher (💜) it contains here diary entries during the filming of the first Star Wars mainly talking about her affair with Harrison Ford and it's amazing. Would highly recommend for some psychologically level incite to her, Harrison and the eternal Star Wars fandom when you're Princess Leia.

Some Kind of Wonderful:
Last but not least is 80's romance Some Kind of Wonderful, with a popular girl, a humble honest guy and his tomboy best friend; we get all the great elements of an 80's movie an a love story done right in terms of the genre of tear-jerking, soppiness!

This is a wonderful (aha!) movie, with some proper gasp, hold your heart moments and between be and you; I have never watched this movie and not cried so hard I gave myself hiccups!

So there you have it! Some obvious and not so obvious recommendations for whatever you are doing today! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY FROM BVF!

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